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A Round Of Applause For Fiona And Jacqui

A round of applause for Fiona and Jacqui

Congratulations to 2 of our students, Fiona and Jacqui, who decided to challenge themselves this year by taking the DELF A1 and  DELF A2 exams! They respectively obtained 81,5% and 97,5%. We hope these high scores will encourage many more students at Les Petits Potins to pass the DELF exams in 2019!

The DELF are official diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates in the French language.  There exists 4 independent diplomas that correspond to the 4 different levels. At each level, 4 skills are evaluated:

  • listening,
  • speaking,
  • reading,
  • writing.

Do you feel you could also pass the exams next year? Here is a hint to know your level of French:

DELF A1: You can interact in a simple way: you can speak about yourself and your immediate environment.
DELF A2: You are able to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring the common polite phrases and exchanges of information.
DELF B1: You can understand and maintain a discussion. You are able to share your opinion. You are capable of dealing with situations likely to arise in daily life.
DELF B2: You feel you have a degree of independence that allows you to construct arguments to defend your opinion. You can also explain your viewpoint and negotiate. At this level, you have a degree of fluency and spontaneity in regular interactions and you are capable of correcting your own mistakes.

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