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Why Expose Your Child To French ?

Why expose your child to French ?

Children’s minds are easily adaptable to new sounds, methods of logic, and pronunciation. Before age 8, children’s brains are already developmentally ready to soak in a second language. This is the best time to expose them to the French language. Your child is unique, but what all children have in common is natural curiosity and an innate ability to learn. Young children should have fun learning French sounds and pronunciation through songs, games and age-appropriate activities; hence making the learning process both fun and effective for children.

That said, however, it is never too late to start. No matter their age, here are just a few reasons you might strongly consider making sure your kids are exposed to a foreign language:

  • Learning French – or another language – helps with listening skills and sharpening memory skills.
  • It also helps prepare your child for a multi-cultural world. Learning a language goes hand-in-hand with learning about other cultures. French exposes children to different francophone cultures, teaching them to be more tolerant and respectful towards others. Learning French is not only about learning the linguistics and conjugating verbs, but about connecting with the French culture.
  • According to a study carried out by NEA Research, kids who have been exposed to a second language perform well academically as it helps them to become better thinkers and learners. Just like learning to play a music instrument, listening, speaking and writing in a new language gives a good workout to your children’s brain! It enhances intellectual flexibility, problem solving skills, and creativity.

When exposed to an additional language at an early age, children reap all the benefits of experimenting with that language as a natural part of their development. Unlike most of us, adults, their progress is not stifled by a fear of getting it wrong.

What is your experience on your children learning an additional language? Do you have any tips you want to share?

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